Saturday, 4 November 2017

Radha Soami Spiritualism Sant mat 20


 The sound of Mystic word never comes in nine thresholds of human body, supporting rhymes in Gur Granth sahib ji :- "Nau dar thhake dhavat rahae, Dasmve nijh ghar vasa pae , Othe anhad shabad vajje din rati , Gur matti shabad sunavanya " very clear message to get the advice of that Mystic word practioner and be initiated from him who disclose the unstruck sound of Mystic word resounds though Mystical orifice above the eyes.
Even then people does not search for such a saint. Some people wander in pilgrimage , some are engaged in reading and reciting but all is vain. Gurbani refutes all pilgrimage & reciting etc. such follower remain vacous. "Tirth bharme rog na chhutas, parhea vad vivadh bhaiea "... Guru Nanak sahib please to say in Guru granth sahib that pilgrimages are illusions reading , reciting isvacous .."Parhiye jete bars bars parhiye jete maas , parhiye jeti arja parhiye jete swas, Nanak lekhe ik gal hor haumei jhakhna jhakh."... refuting all  reading / reciting , acording to Guru Nanak sahib only one word is under concideration to link the cogitation with Mystic word, which is kept with Saint / Mystic word practioner.
"Ram naam kirtan rattan vath , Har sadhu pass rakhiije".....Guru Ganth sahib ji ... means the key of that untruck sound of Mystic word / Naam that provide salvation is kept with Sadhu by His master. And He handover that key to,  "Jo bachan gur sat sat kar maane tis aage kadh dharije", that person who sincerely stick to the teachings of Perfact teacher.   "Ved kteb simrat sab sashtar in parhiya mukt na hoi, Ek akhar jo gurmukh jaape, tis ki nirmal soi "...means the key to overt that Mystic word is secure with Sadhu / Mystic word practioner. In Sukhmani sahib (Guru Granth sahib) .."Prabh ji vasse Sadh ki rassna,Nanak ta ka dass n dassna "...means if any one opt for union with God ,should has to adopt an Embodied Sadhu.
        Those who propogate against Embodied Guru, they do not ponder / think about the rhymes of Guru Granth sahib :- "Charn sadh ke dhoe dhoe piyo ,arp sadh ko apna jio , sadh ki dhoor kro ishnaan  sadhu uper jayie kurban "
p 20 contd........

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Radha Soami Spiritualism Sant mat 19

There are so many quotes by Saints and rhymes in Guru Granth sahib in supporting to be initiated from Embodied pura guru/mystic word practioner and refutes dissemblers / feigner.  Kabir sahib says "jhuthhe gur se mukt na hua kete gur chele fun hua"     Hazrat Bahu sahib writes "Jis murshad anne kujh na kita bahu ohnoo vehndi nadi rudae hu"....."Peer milian je peed na jave ta usnu peer ki dharna hu"
Peed means agony / anguish of  * kaam(lust)  *krodh (anger)  *lobh (avarice)  *moh (affection)  *ahankar (arrogance) these five vigorous devils ruins one's integrity and these can never be controlled unless overting the sound of Mystic word, under the kind guidance of perfact teacher following his instuctions ,above eyes in mystical orifice, so one should avoid dissemblers / feigner.
Now rhymes in guru ganth sahib supporting of that naam / mystic word "Panje badheh mahabali kar sacha dhoa, Apne charn japayan vich dae khdoya, Rog sog sabh mit gaye nit navan naroya, Din raein naam dhiayenda fir paye na moa, Jiste upje Nanka tis hi fir hoa “means five vigorous devils overcome with the affectionate without break meditation of naam / mystic word by getting yogic state through mystical orifice soul follows the path to merge into the "Refulgent body"of Satguru / supreme soul.
"Bin shabde naam na paye koi "... guru granth sahib ji   means nothing is acceptable except blessed Mystic word / Naam in the 'Dargah' to mingle with Supreme soul.    Soami ji quotes clearly say that: - "Shabad kmave so gur pura un charnan ki ho ja dhoora” Guru Arjan dev ji says: - "Jin swas gras na visre har nama man mant dhan se sei Nanaka purn soi sant" means who earned the Mystic word through mystical orifice is the real recognition of purn guru / perfact teacher.
                                                                                                      p 19 contd ........

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Radha Soami Spiritualism Santmat 18

So sticking to these perceptions people should search for a Sadhu who himself follow above rules, as Guru Nanak Sahib says.. "Haque hallal bakhuro khanah dil daryao dhoveh maulana"means that who subsist on his own hard earnings will never take / eat food from any one, whithout dining him 3-4 times more from his own earnings and he will never lives under any one's pressure. Soami ji maharaj says :-" Guru kro khoj kar bhai " quest for such a Guru/ Sadhu who disseminate satsang onlyshould has to meditate, fourteen hours (14 ghante) ,earnings for subsistance six hours (6 ghante), sleeping four hours (4 ghante), from twenty four hours (24 ghante) , daily. But for Sadhu/Saint who confer Naam daan has to meditate/practice twenty four hours (24 ghante ) without breake.
So if you find such a sadhu/ saint who overted spiritual inner eye/mytical orifice get blessed/initiated with Naam Daan/ Mystic word from him.For the real recognition of such a Sadhu/Guru is that if the pupil ,after got initiated,practice deep meditation of that Mystic word/Naam would progress,get numb/stun/yogic state above the eyes getting live mysticsm/spirituality reach to, passing through Tara mandal (star universe), Suraj mandal (solar universe), Chandarma mandal (lunar universe), "Ashatdal Kanwal" where soul beholds the 'Refulgent Body' of his Guru/Preceptor. Up to this stage devotee's meditation completes and then Mystic Holy sound starts.Sticking to this sound would lead the path of the Soul up to Sachkhand.
Mean to say it is definitely true that the path of soul starts above the eyes.Below the eyes is phantasmagoria which leads to the vicious circle/transmigration in 84 lakhs juni of this world/creation. The process above the eyes the path of soul towards spirituality is possible only with the blessings / initiation of Pura Guru/Perfact teacher that who already overted the sound of Mystic word. 
But majority of people in this world follow's the fame/eulogy striven Ascetics who never knew about the Mystical orifice/ Mystic word and the path of soul in real how to mingle with the Supreme soul. Such followers remains vacuous and can never get the yogic state to follow the path towards God.

                                                                                                    p 18 ..........contd

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Radha soami Spiritualism Santmat 17


The Distinquish Features of that saint / mystic word practioner is as follows:-

**He will never use public offerings / oblation for himself and for his family and will subsist on his own earnings may do job , service, shop or his patrimonial / ancestral assets i.e. earnings from agricultural farming etc.
                                      Sadhu means self control.
For example :-       Kabir Sahib Ji says  " Mar Jauon Mangu Nahi Apne Tan Ke Kaaj" .       
 Kabir Sahib Ji worked as weaver for life long for his and his family subsistance , while king / emperor were his pupils. 
 Maharaj Ravidas Ji worked as cobbler for whole life for subsistance while king pipa was his pupil and many other likely.
 Baba Naam Dev Ji worked as dyeing of shawls and clothes.
Guru Nanak Sahib Ji done farming at kartarpur( now in pakistan).
 Hazoor Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj subsisted on his pension . He earned from his service in MES( military engineering service)                             and so on.......... 

** He will practice/meditate Mystic word/ Naam which resounds above the eyes 24 hours without break  means (mann yaar<god>val , hath kaar val ) meditate while working
**He himself will be self controlled & instructs his followers for self control
**He will always maintain high character & instructs his followers to maintain high character ,by treating all others like,  brother/sister, daughter/son, mother/father, except wife/husband , respectively
**He will never censure /revilement any creature & will instructs followers to avoid censure
**He will be pure vegitarian & instructs his followers to be vegitarian, will never permit non-veg, alcohol, etc to use.
**He will never grab another's wealth/money abstain from greed & instructs his followers abstain from avarice.
**He and his followers will avoid arrogance.
So these are some main features to be self controlled , but now a days this is the matter of regret that no body enquire/quest about these features of a Sadhu /Saint and the people / followers are dissipating in this illusion.      As Soami ji says : -      
" ka se kahun khoj nahi kahoo'n dhokhe dhaar bahaa"              
                                                                                                      p 17 contd.....

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Radha Soami Spiritualism Sant Mat 16

                    Pre-eminent Utterances of Hazoor Baba Channan Singh ji

Hazoor Baba Channan Singh ji please to say one has to become a Sadhu to seek for God as follows:-    [Ruhani]
                 From the primordial/very begning of this world/creatures to till the end of this world, there is the only common way ,    (for all communities, may be hindu, muslim,sikh,issai {christian},budh,jain etc,any caste colour or creed, male or female) to mingle /meet/attain "HIS MASTER/ GOD/ OMNIPOTENTPOTENT/ OMNIPRESENT/ OMNISCIENT/ SATPURUSH  is  to get one's attention/cogitation above the eyes/mystic orifice abandoning the nine threshold of this human body i.e.[ two eyes , two ears ,two nostrils ,one mouth , one anus ,one penis/vulva] is called an ascetic/ saint .
            That is 'Emancipated' position of a human being is called a saint , till this position one can't become ascetic/ saint / sadhu . So this is the definition of a person called saint/ ascetic/ sadhu , the real attainer of the God. To wander in forest , hills , mountains heather and thither etc , can never become  ascetic/ saint / sadhu and he is far away from the God.
             This degree of the saint can be attained only with the blessings of complete spiritual master / pura guru may be familial/ domesticity or renouncer. A sanctimonious / dissembler / feigner can never get the position of saint/sadhu .
             The person who abondend the nine thresholds of this body and go attentionally above the eyes get into the mystical orifice / spiritual introspection of soul overt the refulgent body /inner image "shabad saroop" of his guru the perfect master is really called / become sadhu/ saint .                                                            
                                                                                                                    P-16 Contd......

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Radha Soami Spiritualism Sant mat 15

So following the directions from,, His Master,, Bhagat Channan Singh ji continued live at home in Said  pur disst, Amritsar & get himself bussy in meditating passionatly/ practising deep in shabad dun/mystic word time goes on..
         Then after few years of regular practice , in 1969  Bhagat Channan Singh ji get direction from sachkhand through His Master Baba Sawan Singh ji's inner sroop/ refulgent body ie; [shabad sroop] to confer Naam daan &disceminate Satsang let's see what happens ?

    So by getting inner directions from Baba Sawan Singh ji on sammat 18 Assu in 1969 Bhagat Channan Singh ji started imparting Naam Daan & disceminating satsang,       
                                                                                                                                  {at his own home 
in  vill.Said Pur [dist.Amritsar] now called as[ Dera Baba Sawan Singh ji founded by Baba Channan Singh ji in 1974] organised under  the  kind directions of Dera Baba Channan Singh ji Radha Soami Satsang Trust Sekhewal Ludhiana  regd. pb. India}
                                                            and Baba Sawan Singh ji blessed with 'SUN SMAAD' of those people to whom Bhagat Channan Singh ji confered / initiated 'Naam Daan'.
                       note:-  At this Parkash Singh a sewadar,  [of vill. kandial teh. ajnala  disst. Amritsar] who served voluntarily whole of his life in both the Dera's   ie; Dera Baba Teja Singh ji   and   Dera Baba Channan Singh ji,  wondered!! that: oh! this is the "special daya which Baba Teja Singh ji often frequently like to say that Channan Singh ji "you got special daya by serving hard voluntarily at Sikander pur [Sarsa] by pleasing His Master Baba Sawan Singh ji"

        So on  his day by day popularity among satsangies/devoties/followers famously known as smaadian wala  Baba Channan Singh ji  of vill. Said Pur  [Amritsar] expanded to Dera Baba Channan Singh ji  Radha Soami Satsang Trust Sekhewal  regd. Ludhiana pb. [founded by his son Baba Amir Singh ji successor ]      
                                                                                                                                 p 15 contd..                                                     

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Radha Soami Spiritualism Sant Mat.. 14

in due course the  Bhagat ji's father, Sh. Buta singh ji when ever come to see Baba Sawan Singh ji,Baba ji often speak to him that "your son do not come back to home"and his father gently say that " he is your son" gone under your shelter to become a Sadhu , so make him Sadhu, at this Baba ji pleased to say "we will send him back after making complete Sadhu "So Bhagat Channan Singh ji come back to home after serving 8 years voluntarily at Sikander pur Sirsa Haryana,become a complete Sadhu Enlitened up to Sachkhand by getting full Blessings & Happiness of Baba Sawan Singh ji, progressing up to Anami. 
                                                       When Bhagat ji come back to home ,at Said pur village disst Amritsar, there he get company of Baba Teja Singh ji who was also a good pupil of Baba Sawan Singh ji and he toil hard in meditating near about 40 years and famous as who go deep in Sun Smadi 3 days & nights at Dera Beas later he settled in Village Said pur Disst. Amritsar formed ' Dera Baba Sawan Singh ji '[later on, his pupil bhai Rasila Ram ji  changed the name to Dera Baba Teja Singh ji ]   so being a Gurbhai , Bhagat ji get love &affectionate company of Baba Teja Singh ji so many years.        
 When Bhagat ji sit in routine meditation, go above the eyes/mystic orifice behold inside through Soul see the Appearance of Baba Sawan Singh ji side by side  appearance of Baba Teja Singh ji so long time in this way the confidence of Bhagat ji confirmed that Baba Teja Singh ji assimilated in Baba Sawan Singh ji so after inner confirmation Bhagat Channan Singh ji revealed Baba Teja Singh ji as complete saint poorn guru / sadhu and requested to start disbursing Naam Daan & disseminate satsang [on condition to express holy views one hour before starting satsang ],by accepting his request Baba Teja singh ji started to disburse Naam Daan , first of all Bhagat Channan singh ji get his all remaining family member blessed from Baba Teja Singh ji & this course of tenure continued till 1967 when Baba Teja Singh ji declared that I will go to Sachkhand after three days [3 days]by abondening this mortal body here and you 'Bhagat ji' take over charge of whole of the Dera , at this Bhagat ji told to Baba Teja Singh ji that " I am ordered, by  Baba Sawan Singh ji , keep to live at home & never live in or organise in any Dera" So you can ask from Baba Sawan Singh ji's inner saroop / shabad saroop/refulgent body at Sachkhand, at that Baba Teja singh ji go deep to sun smaad at least quarter to 1 hour then come back and cleared that it is true that you have order to live at your own home.                                                                              p 14 contd.....

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Radha Soami Spiritualism Sant Mat--13

Hazoor Baba Channan Singh ji
[Bhagat ji]
before this, Bhagat Ji served/worked hard in farming & cattle wealth with other volunteers/ sewadars, and all sewadars were very passionate to each other, from these volunteers one of them was Pritam Singh of Wadala wala also serve with Bhagat Channan Singh ji , and he often sit together in the evening (free time after sewa ) they convrse each other about the love and affectionate teachings of there Guru ji Baba Sawan Singh ji . once upon a day,in there lovable/holy conversation, Pritam Singh get too late to go home in evening, then he  asked to Bhagat Channan Singh ji how will I go to home in the dark night, at this Bhagat ji advised him to stay with us here today night, and he agreed to stay in the night, when he slept at the same bed/takhat of Bhagat Channan Singh ji, in the mid night, Pritam Singh expressed to Bhagat ji the night is ;rumbling too much; at this Bhagat ji told to him that this is the inner sound of God ( shabad dun ) listen to it passionately,;which Bhagat ji listen in daily routine;; this is the grace of Baba Sawan Singh ji.
       From the  very begining Bhagat ji earned the grace of Baba Sawan Singh ji Bhagat ji often meditate in the Kutia alloted in garden side, in the morning he serves farming & cattle feeding etc and in the noon he meditate passionately so many hours deeply in 'sun smaad' listening the Divine shabad dun/ unstruck sound of word' above the eyes.In between 'sun smaad/yogic state' a long snake often come in side his kutia and sit on his thiegh by coiling around his waiste,some one saw this seen and told to Bhagat ji about the happening.In due course one day Bhagat ji saw this self when he come down from 'sun smaad '& opened his eyes first thrilled later from throat,then snake opened coil around waist & go out side unheededly. when Bhagat Channan Singh ji, narrated about snake, to Baba Sawan Singh ji, Baba ji cleared the doubt that snake will never harm you that come to you to get that's why old satsangies respect very much & famous among sangat.                                                             p 13 contd...